Friday 29 July 2005

Me Me Me

FYI: The official Transformers: The Movie info site is

I have only had this site a couple days and already 500 hits. Wish could take credit for it. Oh well. Anyway, send me TF stuff to put on site. Be sure to indicate source and name to list as credit for providing it.

Tuesday 26 July 2005

Under New Management

New owner of Transformers Live. The previous incarnation was apparently a temporary setup to show off Transformers the Movie information till the main site was setup. Feel free to visit my main blog/rant/whatever site at

Any case the movie is coming out 7/4/07. Pretty much the entire team behind the Island is involved so that movie is probably a solid indication of the future.

Cybertron toys are now hitting shelves nationwide. Go out, buy, spead the joy of TFs to others.

Cybertron cartoon is on Cartoon Network saturdays at 7:00pm. If liked Energon this one will go nicely for you.

More Binaltech toys are coming so more car transforming fun to come.

If you have news, info, whatever about Transformers to post, send it to me at canowupass at or leave it in comments. Also willing the change the look of the site to be more TFish for you blogger gurus out there so send that info also. Be sure to indicate what credit you like to give and receive and contact info want listed if any. Basically the Ain't It Cool website model.